5 Curly Beard Tips - How To Manage A Curly Beard

Growing and taming a curly beard can be frustrating — tangled hair and uneven growth can make it seem like it’s not worth the energy. If that’s you, fret not. And don’t you dare give up. There are plenty of ways to tame a curly beard and turn it into an impressive, well-groomed masterpiece.

From finding the right products to keeping up with regular trimming and care, you can make those curls in your beard work in your favour.

1. Comb your beard every day

Curly beards are generally not an issue - until they reach a certain length. The longer the hair is, the more prone it becomes to tangling and knots. Tangled hair poses a bigger problem than just looking unkempt — it can also pull and irritate the skin (ouch), especially when grooming.

Use a wide-tooth comb to work through the curls of the beard, using a little bit of beard oil as you go. Doing this for a few minutes each day can save you a lot of pain detangling beard hair, especially if you plan to continue growing your beard to a longer length.

Best Products for Curly Beard Care

2. Keep it short

Curly beard hair is difficult to grow out because the growth pattern is to curl back toward the face. The result is usually a thick bush instead of a long flowing mane.

Our advice is to work with what you’ve got— excessively curly hair is harder to manage at long lengths, so keep a short beard instead. This also eliminates a lot of the problems that beard owners face, like split ends and bad odour from accumulated bacteria. With a short curly beard, you’ll be able to focus more on shaping it around your face with minimal maintenance and trimming.

3. Use a beard shampoo and conditioner

Curly beards can trap oils and dirt close to the skin (more so than straight beards) leading to the dreaded beard itch. Instead of using a regular soap, look for a beard shampoo and conditioner. Beard hair and the skin around the beard is more sensitive than your head hair and scalp; using a washing product that is specially formulated for the area can make all the difference.

Once you have a beard shampoo and conditioner on hand, wash regularly (a few times a week) to cleanse and hydrate your skin and beard. After your wash, smoothen out with beard oil after to soothe any irritation.

4. Trim regularly

A curly beard will require more TLC than a straight beard - especially when it comes to consistent trimming. If left on its own, curly beard hair will develop into a frizzy and unruly mess.

Set a schedule for trimming and grooming every week or two, especially around the edges and neckline. You’ll keep your beard looking fresh and avoid the wild-and-unkempt look (unless that’s what you’re going for).

3 easy steps to manage curly beard

When trimming, it can help to apply some beard oil onto the trimmers to make cutting more manageable, especially in thicker parts of the beard. Try not to cut out big bunches of hair — curls can unravel when cut, so make smaller, intentional cuts to avoid missing patches after a trimming session.

5. Apply oils and balms (carefully)

One of the best things about having a curly beard is that it’s easy to create a lot of volume. The curls tend to fall around each other, making your beard look more impressive and bigger.

That being said, this space in the curly beard can also trap substances more easily. Don’t apply too much product - it can leave your beard feeling greasy and weighed down.

If you plan on styling a curly beard, keep it light instead — just a few drops of oil and a dab of beard balm is enough to keep things under control without going overboard.

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